Piqi Self-definition

This page contains Piqi self-definition represented as a set of Piqi files included by each other starting from the top piqi.piqi.

File names are clickable. When clicked, contents become visible in a tabbed view. Tabbed view displays type definitions represented in various formats:

  • Source — Source file.
  • Piqi.Proto — Protocol Buffers data definitions converted from Piqi using piqi to-proto command.
  • Proto.Piqi — Piqi type specification converted from Protocol Buffers .proto file via piqi of-proto command.
  • Piqi-light — Piqi type specification represented in Piqi-light syntax.
  • Expanded Piqi — Piqi file where all include and extend directives have been applied using piqi expand, which produces plain type specifications without external includes and extensions.
  • Expanded Piqi-light — The same as the previous one but represented in Piqi-light syntax.

(These files can be also found in the Piqi source distribution.)

Piqi self-definition

% The current Piqi self-specification
% This file contains defintion of the Piqi self-specification
% Copyright 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 Anton Lavrik

% aliases for built-in types; these definitions are automatically included in
% each Piqi module except modules named "piqi"

.alias [ .name bool       .piqi-type.bool ]
.alias [ .name string     .piqi-type.string ]
.alias [ .name binary     .piqi-type.binary ]

.alias [ .name piqi-any   .piqi-type.any ]

.alias [ .name int        .piqi-type.int ]
.alias [ .name uint       .piqi-type.int ]
.alias [ .name int32      .piqi-type.int ]
.alias [ .name uint32     .piqi-type.int ]
.alias [ .name int64      .piqi-type.int ]
.alias [ .name uint64     .piqi-type.int ]

.alias [ .name float64    .piqi-type.float ]
.alias [ .name float32    .piqi-type.float ]

% Fixed versions of int32/64 and uint32/64. "Fixed" here means that they are
% represented on the wire using exactly 4 and 8 bytes respectively.
.alias [
    .name int32-fixed
    .type int32

.alias [
    .name uint32-fixed
    .type uint32

.alias [
    .name int64-fixed
    .type int64

.alias [
    .name uint64-fixed
    .type uint64

.alias [
    .name float
    .type float64

% end of built-in types

.alias [
    .name word
    .type string

    .piq-format.word  % print it as word instead of a quoted string literal

.alias [
    .name name
    .type word

.variant [
    % user-defined types

    .name typedef

    .option [ .type record ]
    .option [ .type variant ]
    .option [ .type enum ]
    .option [ .type alias ]
    .option [
        .type list

    .protobuf-name "piqi_typedef"

.enum [
    % built-in Piqi types

    .name piqi-type

    % prefix all options in order to prevent clash with keywords of the Protobuf
    % target languages
    .protobuf-prefix "piqi_type_"

    .option [ .name int ]
    .option [ .name float ]
    .option [ .name bool ]
    .option [ .name string ]
    .option [ .name binary ]
    .option [ .name any ]

.alias [
    .name type
    .type name

.record [
    .name record 

    .field [ .type name ]
    .field [
        .type field

.record [
    .name field

    .field [
        .type name
    .field [
        .type type
    .field [
        .name mode
        .type field-mode

    .field [
        .name default
        .type piqi-any

    .field [
        % experimental: indication that the field has been deprecated; which
        % means that it may not be supported any more and use of such field is
        % discouraged

        .name deprecated

.enum [
    .name field-mode

    .option [ .name required ]
    .option [ .name optional ]
    .option [ .name repeated ]

.record [
    .name variant
    .field [ .type name ]
    .field [
        .type option
        .repeated % > 1

.record [
    .name option

    % NOTE: either name or type have to be present
    .field [
        .type name
    .field [
        .type type
    .field [
        % experimental: indication that the option has been deprecated; which
        % means that it may not be supported any more and use of such field is
        % discouraged

        .name deprecated

.record [
    .name enum

    .field [ .type name ]

    % note that enum options shouldn't specify type and must specify name
    .field [
        .type option
        .repeated % > 1

    .protobuf-name "piqi_enum"

.record [
    .name alias

    .field [ .type name ]

    % either type or piqi-type fields must be present; we don't use variant here
    % in order to simplify external representation which is going to be flat in
    % such case, as opposed to nested if we used variant
    .field [
        .type type

    .field [
        .type piqi-type

.record [
    .name list

    .field [ .type name ]
    .field [ .type type ]

.record [
    .name piqi

    .field [
        .name module
        .type word

    .field [ .type typedef .repeated ]
    .field [ .type import .repeated ]
    .field [ .type function .repeated ]

    .field [
        .name custom-field
        .type word

.record [
    % import <module> as <name>
    .name import

    .field [
        .name module
        .type word

    .field [
        .type name

% representation of the built-in "piqi-any" type
.record [
    .name any

    .field [
        % type could be optional or not fully resolved at all times
        .name type
        .type string

    .field [
        % arbitrary values corresponding to the type serialized in Protocol
        % Buffers format; when one of "type" or "protobuf" field is present, the
        % other must be present as well

        .name protobuf
        .type binary

    .field [
        % arbitrary JSON value serialized in as utf-8 string; when "type" field
        % is present, the JSON value must correspond to this type

        .name json
        .type string

    .field [
        % arbitrary XML value serialized in as utf-8 string; when "type" field
        % is present, the JSON value must correspond to this type

        .name xml
        .type string

.record [
    .name function

    .field [ .type name ]

    .field [
        .name input
        .type type

    .field [
        .name output
        .type type

    .field [
        .name error
        .type type

.record [
    % Standard portable representation of several piqi modules bundeled
    % together. This data structure is used by "piqi compile", "piqi server" and
    % other parts.
    % The fact it is called piqi-list while being a record could be somewhat
    % confusing. However, doing it this way allows to get nicer JSON and XML
    % "visual" representation. It is still Protobuf-binary-compatible with
    % .list [ .type piqi ] definition.

    .name piqi-list

    .field [
        % imported modules come before the module they were imported from

        .type piqi
        .code 1

% standard extensions natively supported by Piqi

.include [ .module piqi.piq ]
.include [ .module piqi.protobuf ]
.include [ .module piqi.json ]
.include [ .module piqi.getopt ]
.include [ .module piqi.piqic ]

include piqi.piq
include piqi.protobuf
include piqi.json
include piqi.getopt
include piqi.piqic

type bool = .bool

type string = .string

type binary = .binary

type piqi-any = .piqi-any

type int = .int

type uint = .int

type int32 = .int

type uint32 = .int

type int64 = .int

type uint64 = .int

type float64 = .float

type float32 = .float

type int32-fixed = int32()

type uint32-fixed = uint32()

type int64-fixed = int64()

type uint64-fixed = uint64()

type float = float64()

type word = string()

type name = word()

type typedef =
    | record()
    | variant()
    | enum()
    | alias()
    | list()

type piqi-type =
    | int
    | float
    | bool
    | string
    | binary
    | any

type type = name()

type record =
    - name()
    * field()

type field =
    ? name()
    ? type()
    ? mode :: field-mode() = .required
    ? default :: piqi-any()
    ? deprecated

type field-mode =
    | required
    | optional
    | repeated

type variant =
    - name()
    * option()

type option =
    ? name()
    ? type()
    ? deprecated

type enum =
    - name()
    * option()

type alias =
    - name()
    ? type()
    ? piqi-type()

type list =
    - name()
    - type()

type piqi =
    ? module :: word()
    * typedef()
    * import()
    * function()
    * custom-field :: word()

type import =
    - module :: word()
    ? name()

type any =
    ? type :: string()
    ? protobuf :: binary()
    ? json :: string()
    ? xml :: string()

type function =
    - name()
    ? input :: type()
    ? output :: type()
    ? error :: type()

type piqi-list =
    * piqi()

.alias [
    .name bool

.alias [
    .name string

.alias [
    .name binary

.alias [
    .name piqi-any

.alias [
    .name int
    .protobuf-type "sint32"

.alias [
    .name uint
    .protobuf-type "uint32"

.alias [
    .name int32
    .protobuf-type "sint32"

.alias [
    .name uint32
    .protobuf-type "uint32"

.alias [
    .name int64
    .protobuf-type "sint64"

.alias [
    .name uint64
    .protobuf-type "uint64"

.alias [
    .name float64
    .protobuf-type "double"

.alias [
    .name float32
    .protobuf-type "float"

.alias [
    .name int32-fixed
    .type int32
    .protobuf-type "sfixed32"

.alias [
    .name uint32-fixed
    .type uint32
    .protobuf-type "fixed32"

.alias [
    .name int64-fixed
    .type int64
    .protobuf-type "sfixed64"

.alias [
    .name uint64-fixed
    .type uint64
    .protobuf-type "fixed64"

.alias [
    .name float
    .type float64

.alias [
    .name word
    .type string

.alias [
    .name name
    .type word

.variant [
    .name typedef
    .option [ .type record ]
    .option [ .type variant ]
    .option [ .type enum ]
    .option [ .type alias ]
    .option [ .type list ]
    .protobuf-name "piqi_typedef"

.enum [
    .name piqi-type
    .option [ .name int ]
    .option [ .name float ]
    .option [ .name bool ]
    .option [ .name string ]
    .option [ .name binary ]
    .option [ .name any ]
    .protobuf-prefix "piqi_type_"

.alias [
    .name type
    .type name

.record [
    .name record
    .field [ .type name ]
    .field [
        .type field
    .field [
        .name piq-positional
        .type bool
    .field [
        .name protobuf-name
        .type string
    .field [
        .name protobuf-custom
        .type string
    .field [
        .name json-name
        .type string

.record [
    .name field
    .field [
        .type name
    .field [
        .type type
    .field [
        .name mode
        .type field-mode
    .field [
        .name default
        .type piqi-any
    .field [
        .name deprecated
    .field [
        .type piq-format
    .field [
        .name piq-positional
        .type bool
    .field [
        .name piq-alias
        .type name
    .field [
        .name protobuf-name
        .type string
    .field [
        .name code
        .type int32
    .field [
        .name protobuf-packed
    .field [
        .name json-name
        .type string
    .field [
        .name json-omit-missing
        .type bool
    .field [
        .name getopt-letter
        .type word
    .field [
        .name getopt-doc
        .type string

.enum [
    .name field-mode
    .option [ .name required ]
    .option [ .name optional ]
    .option [ .name repeated ]

.record [
    .name variant
    .field [ .type name ]
    .field [
        .type option
    .field [
        .name protobuf-name
        .type string
    .field [
        .name protobuf-custom
        .type string
    .field [
        .name json-name
        .type string

.record [
    .name option
    .field [
        .type name
    .field [
        .type type
    .field [
        .name deprecated
    .field [
        .type piq-format
    .field [
        .name piq-alias
        .type name
    .field [
        .name protobuf-name
        .type string
    .field [
        .name code
        .type int32
    .field [
        .name json-name
        .type string
    .field [
        .name getopt-letter
        .type word
    .field [
        .name getopt-doc
        .type string

.record [
    .name enum
    .field [ .type name ]
    .field [
        .type option
    .field [
        .name protobuf-name
        .type string
    .field [
        .name protobuf-custom
        .type string
    .field [
        .name protobuf-prefix
        .type string
    .field [
        .name json-name
        .type string
    .protobuf-name "piqi_enum"

.record [
    .name alias
    .field [ .type name ]
    .field [
        .type type
    .field [
        .type piqi-type
    .field [
        .type piq-format
    .field [
        .name protobuf-name
        .type string
    .field [
        .name protobuf-type
        .type string
    .field [
        .type protobuf-wire-type
    .field [
        .name json-name
        .type string

.record [
    .name list
    .field [ .type name ]
    .field [ .type type ]
    .field [
        .type piq-format
    .field [
        .name protobuf-name
        .type string
    .field [
        .name protobuf-custom
        .type string
    .field [
        .name protobuf-packed
    .field [
        .name json-name
        .type string

.record [
    .name piqi
    .field [
        .name module
        .type word
    .field [
        .type typedef
    .field [
        .type import
    .field [
        .type function
    .field [
        .name custom-field
        .type word
    .field [
        .name protobuf-custom
        .type string
    .field [
        .name protobuf-package
        .type string
    .field [
        .name file
        .type string

.record [
    .name import
    .field [
        .name module
        .type word
    .field [
        .type name

.record [
    .name any
    .field [
        .name type
        .type string
    .field [
        .name protobuf
        .type binary
    .field [
        .name json
        .type string
    .field [
        .name xml
        .type string

.record [
    .name function
    .field [ .type name ]
    .field [
        .name input
        .type type
    .field [
        .name output
        .type type
    .field [
        .name error
        .type type

.record [
    .name piqi-list
    .field [
        .type piqi
        .code 1

.variant [
    .name piq-format
    .option [ .name word ]
    .option [ .name text ]

.alias [
    .name protobuf-int32
    .type int32
    .protobuf-type "int32"

.alias [
    .name protobuf-int64
    .type int64
    .protobuf-type "int64"

.enum [
    .name protobuf-wire-type
    .option [ .name varint ]
    .option [ .name zigzag-varint ]
    .option [ .name fixed32 ]
    .option [ .name fixed64 ]
    .option [ .name signed-varint ]
    .option [ .name signed-fixed32 ]
    .option [ .name signed-fixed64 ]
    .option [ .name block ]
type bool = .bool

type string = .string

type binary = .binary

type piqi-any = .piqi-any

type int = .int

type uint = .int

type int32 = .int

type uint32 = .int

type int64 = .int

type uint64 = .int

type float64 = .float

type float32 = .float

type int32-fixed = int32()

type uint32-fixed = uint32()

type int64-fixed = int64()

type uint64-fixed = uint64()

type float = float64()

type word = string()

type name = word()

type typedef =
    | record()
    | variant()
    | enum()
    | alias()
    | list()

type piqi-type =
    | int
    | float
    | bool
    | string
    | binary
    | any

type type = name()

type record =
    - name()
    * field()
    ? piq-positional :: bool()
    ? protobuf-name :: string()
    * protobuf-custom :: string()
    ? json-name :: string()

type field =
    ? name()
    ? type()
    ? mode :: field-mode() = .required
    ? default :: piqi-any()
    ? deprecated
    ? piq-format()
    ? piq-positional :: bool()
    ? piq-alias :: name()
    ? protobuf-name :: string()
    ? code :: int32()
    ? protobuf-packed
    ? json-name :: string()
    ? json-omit-missing :: bool()
    ? getopt-letter :: word()
    ? getopt-doc :: string()

type field-mode =
    | required
    | optional
    | repeated

type variant =
    - name()
    * option()
    ? protobuf-name :: string()
    * protobuf-custom :: string()
    ? json-name :: string()

type option =
    ? name()
    ? type()
    ? deprecated
    ? piq-format()
    ? piq-alias :: name()
    ? protobuf-name :: string()
    ? code :: int32()
    ? json-name :: string()
    ? getopt-letter :: word()
    ? getopt-doc :: string()

type enum =
    - name()
    * option()
    ? protobuf-name :: string()
    * protobuf-custom :: string()
    ? protobuf-prefix :: string()
    ? json-name :: string()

type alias =
    - name()
    ? type()
    ? piqi-type()
    ? piq-format()
    ? protobuf-name :: string()
    ? protobuf-type :: string()
    ? protobuf-wire-type()
    ? json-name :: string()

type list =
    - name()
    - type()
    ? piq-format()
    ? protobuf-name :: string()
    * protobuf-custom :: string()
    ? protobuf-packed
    ? json-name :: string()

type piqi =
    ? module :: word()
    * typedef()
    * import()
    * function()
    * custom-field :: word()
    * protobuf-custom :: string()
    ? protobuf-package :: string()
    ? file :: string()

type import =
    - module :: word()
    ? name()

type any =
    ? type :: string()
    ? protobuf :: binary()
    ? json :: string()
    ? xml :: string()

type function =
    - name()
    ? input :: type()
    ? output :: type()
    ? error :: type()

type piqi-list =
    * piqi()

type piq-format =
    | word
    | text

type protobuf-int32 = int32()

type protobuf-int64 = int64()

type protobuf-wire-type =
    | varint
    | zigzag-varint
    | fixed32
    | fixed64
    | signed-varint
    | signed-fixed32
    | signed-fixed64
    | block

package piqi_org.piqi;

message piqi_typedef {
    optional record record = 502036113;
    optional variant variant = 484589701;
    optional piqi_enum piqi_enum = 51800833;
    optional alias alias = 26300816;
    optional list list = 129178718;

enum piqi_type {
    piqi_type_int = 5246191;
    piqi_type_float = 43435420;
    piqi_type_bool = 18580522;
    piqi_type_string = 288368849;
    piqi_type_binary = 218872833;
    piqi_type_any = 4848364;

message record {
    required string name = 150958667;
    repeated field field = 9671866;
    optional bool piq_positional = 197354217;
    optional string protobuf_name = 90072013;
    repeated string protobuf_custom = 112352691;
    optional string json_name = 515275216;

message field {
    optional string name = 150958667;
    optional string type = 218690234;
    optional field_mode mode = 140563299 [default = required];
    optional any default = 465819841;
    optional bool deprecated = 69402483;
    optional piq_format piq_format = 296833484;
    optional bool piq_positional = 197354217;
    optional string piq_alias = 434682011;
    optional string protobuf_name = 90072013;
    optional sint32 code = 29667629;
    optional bool protobuf_packed = 179842426;
    optional string json_name = 515275216;
    optional bool json_omit_missing = 201807079;
    optional string getopt_letter = 215188758;
    optional string getopt_doc = 442330184;

enum field_mode {
    required = 308449631;
    optional = 510570400;
    repeated = 274054266;

message variant {
    required string name = 150958667;
    repeated option option = 192598901;
    optional string protobuf_name = 90072013;
    repeated string protobuf_custom = 112352691;
    optional string json_name = 515275216;

message option {
    optional string name = 150958667;
    optional string type = 218690234;
    optional bool deprecated = 69402483;
    optional piq_format piq_format = 296833484;
    optional string piq_alias = 434682011;
    optional string protobuf_name = 90072013;
    optional sint32 code = 29667629;
    optional string json_name = 515275216;
    optional string getopt_letter = 215188758;
    optional string getopt_doc = 442330184;

message piqi_enum {
    required string name = 150958667;
    repeated option option = 192598901;
    optional string protobuf_name = 90072013;
    repeated string protobuf_custom = 112352691;
    optional string protobuf_prefix = 366391188;
    optional string json_name = 515275216;

message alias {
    required string name = 150958667;
    optional string type = 218690234;
    optional piqi_type piqi_type = 198318774;
    optional piq_format piq_format = 296833484;
    optional string protobuf_name = 90072013;
    optional string protobuf_type = 157803580;
    optional protobuf_wire_type protobuf_wire_type = 198202944;
    optional string json_name = 515275216;

message list {
    required string name = 150958667;
    required string type = 218690234;
    optional piq_format piq_format = 296833484;
    optional string protobuf_name = 90072013;
    repeated string protobuf_custom = 112352691;
    optional bool protobuf_packed = 179842426;
    optional string json_name = 515275216;

message piqi {
    optional string module = 13841580;
    repeated piqi_typedef piqi_typedef = 416823115;
    repeated import import = 142778725;
    repeated function function = 340962072;
    repeated string custom_field = 162247646;
    repeated string protobuf_custom = 112352691;
    optional string protobuf_package = 376215364;
    optional string file = 62639740;

message import {
    required string module = 13841580;
    optional string name = 150958667;

message any {
    optional string type = 218690234;
    optional bytes protobuf = 6461771;
    optional string json = 107495976;
    optional string xml = 5991895;

message function {
    required string name = 150958667;
    optional string input = 505267210;
    optional string output = 209784577;
    optional string error = 321506248;

message piqi_list {
    repeated piqi piqi = 1;

message piq_format {
    optional bool word = 251462090;
    optional bool text = 217697453;

enum protobuf_wire_type {
    varint = 329594984;
    zigzag_varint = 99211597;
    fixed32 = 136997651;
    fixed64 = 136998322;
    signed_varint = 441915897;
    signed_fixed32 = 488499298;
    signed_fixed64 = 488499969;
    block = 352089421;

  "piqi_type": "piqi",
  "module": "piqi",
  "typedef": [
    { "alias": { "name": "bool", "piqi_type": "bool" } },
    { "alias": { "name": "string", "piqi_type": "string" } },
    { "alias": { "name": "binary", "piqi_type": "binary" } },
    { "alias": { "name": "piqi-any", "piqi_type": "any" } },
      "alias": {
        "name": "int",
        "piqi_type": "int",
        "protobuf_type": "sint32",
        "protobuf_wire_type": "zigzag_varint"
      "alias": {
        "name": "uint",
        "piqi_type": "int",
        "protobuf_type": "uint32",
        "protobuf_wire_type": "varint"
      "alias": {
        "name": "int32",
        "piqi_type": "int",
        "protobuf_type": "sint32",
        "protobuf_wire_type": "zigzag_varint"
      "alias": {
        "name": "uint32",
        "piqi_type": "int",
        "protobuf_type": "uint32",
        "protobuf_wire_type": "varint"
      "alias": {
        "name": "int64",
        "piqi_type": "int",
        "protobuf_type": "sint64",
        "protobuf_wire_type": "zigzag_varint"
      "alias": {
        "name": "uint64",
        "piqi_type": "int",
        "protobuf_type": "uint64",
        "protobuf_wire_type": "varint"
      "alias": {
        "name": "float64",
        "piqi_type": "float",
        "protobuf_type": "double",
        "protobuf_wire_type": "fixed64"
      "alias": {
        "name": "float32",
        "piqi_type": "float",
        "protobuf_type": "float",
        "protobuf_wire_type": "fixed32"
      "alias": {
        "name": "int32-fixed",
        "type": "int32",
        "piqi_type": "int",
        "protobuf_type": "sfixed32",
        "protobuf_wire_type": "signed_fixed32"
      "alias": {
        "name": "uint32-fixed",
        "type": "uint32",
        "piqi_type": "int",
        "protobuf_type": "fixed32",
        "protobuf_wire_type": "fixed32"
      "alias": {
        "name": "int64-fixed",
        "type": "int64",
        "piqi_type": "int",
        "protobuf_type": "sfixed64",
        "protobuf_wire_type": "signed_fixed64"
      "alias": {
        "name": "uint64-fixed",
        "type": "uint64",
        "piqi_type": "int",
        "protobuf_type": "fixed64",
        "protobuf_wire_type": "fixed64"
    { "alias": { "name": "float", "type": "float64", "piqi_type": "float" } },
      "alias": {
        "name": "word",
        "type": "string",
        "piq_format": { "word": true }
    { "alias": { "name": "name", "type": "word" } },
      "variant": {
        "name": "typedef",
        "option": [
          { "type": "record", "code": 502036113 },
          { "type": "variant", "code": 484589701 },
          { "type": "enum", "code": 51800833 },
          { "type": "alias", "code": 26300816 },
          { "type": "list", "code": 129178718 }
        "protobuf_name": "piqi_typedef"
      "enum": {
        "name": "piqi-type",
        "option": [
          { "name": "int", "code": 5246191 },
          { "name": "float", "code": 43435420 },
          { "name": "bool", "code": 18580522 },
          { "name": "string", "code": 288368849 },
          { "name": "binary", "code": 218872833 },
          { "name": "any", "code": 4848364 }
        "protobuf_prefix": "piqi_type_"
    { "alias": { "name": "type", "type": "name" } },
      "record": {
        "name": "record",
        "field": [
          { "type": "name", "mode": "required", "code": 150958667 },
          { "type": "field", "mode": "repeated", "code": 9671866 },
            "name": "piq-positional",
            "type": "bool",
            "mode": "optional",
            "code": 197354217
            "name": "protobuf-name",
            "type": "string",
            "mode": "optional",
            "code": 90072013
            "name": "protobuf-custom",
            "type": "string",
            "mode": "repeated",
            "code": 112352691
            "name": "json-name",
            "type": "string",
            "mode": "optional",
            "code": 515275216
      "record": {
        "name": "field",
        "field": [
          { "type": "name", "mode": "optional", "code": 150958667 },
          { "type": "type", "mode": "optional", "code": 218690234 },
            "name": "mode",
            "type": "field-mode",
            "mode": "optional",
            "default": "required",
            "code": 140563299
            "name": "default",
            "type": "piqi-any",
            "mode": "optional",
            "code": 465819841
          { "name": "deprecated", "mode": "optional", "code": 69402483 },
          { "type": "piq-format", "mode": "optional", "code": 296833484 },
            "name": "piq-positional",
            "type": "bool",
            "mode": "optional",
            "code": 197354217
            "name": "piq-alias",
            "type": "name",
            "mode": "optional",
            "code": 434682011
            "name": "protobuf-name",
            "type": "string",
            "mode": "optional",
            "code": 90072013
            "name": "code",
            "type": "int32",
            "mode": "optional",
            "code": 29667629
            "name": "protobuf-packed",
            "mode": "optional",
            "code": 179842426
            "name": "json-name",
            "type": "string",
            "mode": "optional",
            "code": 515275216
            "name": "json-omit-missing",
            "type": "bool",
            "mode": "optional",
            "code": 201807079
            "name": "getopt-letter",
            "type": "word",
            "mode": "optional",
            "code": 215188758
            "name": "getopt-doc",
            "type": "string",
            "mode": "optional",
            "code": 442330184
      "enum": {
        "name": "field-mode",
        "option": [
          { "name": "required", "code": 308449631 },
          { "name": "optional", "code": 510570400 },
          { "name": "repeated", "code": 274054266 }
      "record": {
        "name": "variant",
        "field": [
          { "type": "name", "mode": "required", "code": 150958667 },
          { "type": "option", "mode": "repeated", "code": 192598901 },
            "name": "protobuf-name",
            "type": "string",
            "mode": "optional",
            "code": 90072013
            "name": "protobuf-custom",
            "type": "string",
            "mode": "repeated",
            "code": 112352691
            "name": "json-name",
            "type": "string",
            "mode": "optional",
            "code": 515275216
      "record": {
        "name": "option",
        "field": [
          { "type": "name", "mode": "optional", "code": 150958667 },
          { "type": "type", "mode": "optional", "code": 218690234 },
          { "name": "deprecated", "mode": "optional", "code": 69402483 },
          { "type": "piq-format", "mode": "optional", "code": 296833484 },
            "name": "piq-alias",
            "type": "name",
            "mode": "optional",
            "code": 434682011
            "name": "protobuf-name",
            "type": "string",
            "mode": "optional",
            "code": 90072013
            "name": "code",
            "type": "int32",
            "mode": "optional",
            "code": 29667629
            "name": "json-name",
            "type": "string",
            "mode": "optional",
            "code": 515275216
            "name": "getopt-letter",
            "type": "word",
            "mode": "optional",
            "code": 215188758
            "name": "getopt-doc",
            "type": "string",
            "mode": "optional",
            "code": 442330184
      "record": {
        "name": "enum",
        "field": [
          { "type": "name", "mode": "required", "code": 150958667 },
          { "type": "option", "mode": "repeated", "code": 192598901 },
            "name": "protobuf-name",
            "type": "string",
            "mode": "optional",
            "code": 90072013
            "name": "protobuf-custom",
            "type": "string",
            "mode": "repeated",
            "code": 112352691
            "name": "protobuf-prefix",
            "type": "string",
            "mode": "optional",
            "code": 366391188
            "name": "json-name",
            "type": "string",
            "mode": "optional",
            "code": 515275216
        "protobuf_name": "piqi_enum"
      "record": {
        "name": "alias",
        "field": [
          { "type": "name", "mode": "required", "code": 150958667 },
          { "type": "type", "mode": "optional", "code": 218690234 },
          { "type": "piqi-type", "mode": "optional", "code": 198318774 },
          { "type": "piq-format", "mode": "optional", "code": 296833484 },
            "name": "protobuf-name",
            "type": "string",
            "mode": "optional",
            "code": 90072013
            "name": "protobuf-type",
            "type": "string",
            "mode": "optional",
            "code": 157803580
            "type": "protobuf-wire-type",
            "mode": "optional",
            "code": 198202944
            "name": "json-name",
            "type": "string",
            "mode": "optional",
            "code": 515275216
      "record": {
        "name": "list",
        "field": [
          { "type": "name", "mode": "required", "code": 150958667 },
          { "type": "type", "mode": "required", "code": 218690234 },
          { "type": "piq-format", "mode": "optional", "code": 296833484 },
            "name": "protobuf-name",
            "type": "string",
            "mode": "optional",
            "code": 90072013
            "name": "protobuf-custom",
            "type": "string",
            "mode": "repeated",
            "code": 112352691
            "name": "protobuf-packed",
            "mode": "optional",
            "code": 179842426
            "name": "json-name",
            "type": "string",
            "mode": "optional",
            "code": 515275216
      "record": {
        "name": "piqi",
        "field": [
            "name": "module",
            "type": "word",
            "mode": "optional",
            "code": 13841580
          { "type": "typedef", "mode": "repeated", "code": 416823115 },
          { "type": "import", "mode": "repeated", "code": 142778725 },
          { "type": "function", "mode": "repeated", "code": 340962072 },
            "name": "custom-field",
            "type": "word",
            "mode": "repeated",
            "code": 162247646
            "name": "protobuf-custom",
            "type": "string",
            "mode": "repeated",
            "code": 112352691
            "name": "protobuf-package",
            "type": "string",
            "mode": "optional",
            "code": 376215364
            "name": "file",
            "type": "string",
            "mode": "optional",
            "code": 62639740
      "record": {
        "name": "import",
        "field": [
            "name": "module",
            "type": "word",
            "mode": "required",
            "code": 13841580
          { "type": "name", "mode": "optional", "code": 150958667 }
      "record": {
        "name": "any",
        "field": [
            "name": "type",
            "type": "string",
            "mode": "optional",
            "code": 218690234
            "name": "protobuf",
            "type": "binary",
            "mode": "optional",
            "code": 6461771
            "name": "json",
            "type": "string",
            "mode": "optional",
            "code": 107495976
            "name": "xml",
            "type": "string",
            "mode": "optional",
            "code": 5991895
      "record": {
        "name": "function",
        "field": [
          { "type": "name", "mode": "required", "code": 150958667 },
            "name": "input",
            "type": "type",
            "mode": "optional",
            "code": 505267210
            "name": "output",
            "type": "type",
            "mode": "optional",
            "code": 209784577
            "name": "error",
            "type": "type",
            "mode": "optional",
            "code": 321506248
      "record": {
        "name": "piqi-list",
        "field": [ { "type": "piqi", "mode": "repeated", "code": 1 } ]
      "variant": {
        "name": "piq-format",
        "option": [
          { "name": "word", "code": 251462090 },
          { "name": "text", "code": 217697453 }
      "alias": {
        "name": "protobuf-int32",
        "type": "int32",
        "piqi_type": "int",
        "protobuf_type": "int32",
        "protobuf_wire_type": "signed_varint"
      "alias": {
        "name": "protobuf-int64",
        "type": "int64",
        "piqi_type": "int",
        "protobuf_type": "int64",
        "protobuf_wire_type": "signed_varint"
      "enum": {
        "name": "protobuf-wire-type",
        "option": [
          { "name": "varint", "code": 329594984 },
          { "name": "zigzag-varint", "code": 99211597 },
          { "name": "fixed32", "code": 136997651 },
          { "name": "fixed64", "code": 136998322 },
          { "name": "signed-varint", "code": 441915897 },
          { "name": "signed-fixed32", "code": 488499298 },
          { "name": "signed-fixed64", "code": 488499969 },
          { "name": "block", "code": 352089421 }

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


Parts of the Piqi self-definition

% Piq-specific extensions for Piqi self-spec
% This file defines some extensions to the base Piqi specification enabling
% properties specific to the Piq data representation format
% Copyright 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 Anton Lavrik

.include [ .module piqi ]

.extend [
    (.typedef alias list field option)

    .with.field [
        .type piq-format

.extend [
    (.typedef field record)

    .with.field [
        % allows to control explicitly whether to accept a field if it is specified
        % without a label (arguments without a label are called "positional")
        % the default behavior is to allow fields of primitive types to be
        % positional but require labels for records and lists
        % fields inherit record-level setting when present, unless overridden by
        % per-field settings

        .name piq-positional
        .type bool

.extend [
    (.typedef field option)

    .with.field [
        % this allows to specify an alternative name a field or an option; used
        % only when parsing Piq; Field names specified via .name or derived from
        % .type take precedence over names defined using .piq-alias
        % the ability to use an alternative name is useful when Piq is used as
        % as a syntax notation for DSLs

        .name piq-alias
        .type name

% Piq-specific alternative representation format of Piqi types
.variant [
    .name piq-format

    % representation of string values

    .option [
        % NOTE: if a string value can not be represented as single unquoted
        % word, it will be pepresented as string liternal

        .name word

    .option [
        .name text

include piqi

type piq-format =
    | word
    | text

extend alias list field option
    ? piq-format()

extend field record
    ? piq-positional :: bool()

extend field option
    ? piq-alias :: name()

% JSON-specific extensions for Piqi self-spec
% This file defines some extensions to base Piqi specification enabling fields
% specific to JSON
% Copyright 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 Anton Lavrik

.include [ .module piqi ]

.extend [
    (.typedef record field variant option enum alias list)

    .with.field [
        .name json-name
        .type string

.extend [
    .typedef field

    .with.field [
        % whether to omit missing fields from JSON output that would otherwise
        % be represented as JSON NULL for missing optional and [] for missing
        % repeated fields; if not specified, the default behavior is determined
        % by the json_omit_missing_fields run-time setting which is, in turn,
        % set to true by default

        .name json-omit-missing
        .type bool

include piqi

extend record field variant option enum alias list
    ? json-name :: string()

extend field
    ? json-omit-missing :: bool()

% Google Protocol Buffers extension for Piqi self-spec
% This file defines two kinds of extensions to the base Piqi self-specification:
%   - properties related to Protocol Buffer's .proto files that are used by
%     "piqi to-proto" command
%   - properties related to binary binary Google Protocol Buffers format also
%     known as wire format
% The document describing Protocol Buffers binary "wire" format:
%   https://developers.google.com/protocol-buffers/docs/encoding
% Copyright 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 Anton Lavrik

.protobuf-package "piqi_org.piqi"

.include [ .module piqi ]

% mapping between Piqi primitive and Protobuf types

.extend [
    .typedef int

    .with.protobuf-type "sint32"

.extend [
    .typedef uint

    .with.protobuf-type "uint32"

.extend [
    .typedef int32

    .with.protobuf-type "sint32"

.extend [
    .typedef uint32

    .with.protobuf-type "uint32"

.extend [
    .typedef int64

    .with.protobuf-type "sint64"

.extend [
    .typedef uint64

    .with.protobuf-type "uint64"

.extend [
    .typedef int32-fixed

    .with.protobuf-type "sfixed32"

.extend [
    .typedef uint32-fixed

    .with.protobuf-type "fixed32"

.extend [
    .typedef int64-fixed

    .with.protobuf-type "sfixed64"

.extend [
    .typedef uint64-fixed

    .with.protobuf-type "fixed64"

.extend [
    .typedef float64

    .with.protobuf-type "double"

.extend [
    .typedef float32

    .with.protobuf-type "float"

% These two types are specific to Protocol Buffers. They have the same
% on-the-wire representation as uint32/64. The difference is that they allow
% negative integers (which representation is very inefficient requiring many
% bytes for small absolue values).
.alias [
    .name protobuf-int32
    .type int32

    .protobuf-type "int32"

.alias [
    .name protobuf-int64
    .type int64

    .protobuf-type "int64"

% properties specific to .piqi to .proto conversion

.extend [
    (.typedef record field variant option enum alias list)

    .with.field [
        .name protobuf-name
        .type string

.extend [
    (.typedef piqi record variant list enum)

    .with.field [
        % arbitrary string that will be included in .proto message and enum
        % definitions as a result of .piqi -> .proto conversion

        .name protobuf-custom
        .type string

.extend [
    .typedef piqi

    .with.field [
        .name protobuf-package
        .type string

.extend [
    .typedef alias

    .with.field [
        .name protobuf-type
        .type string

.extend [
    .typedef enum

    .with.field [
        % prefix each enum option's name with the specified string; it helps to
        % deal with the fact that enum doesn't form a C++ namespace meaning that
        % enum constants are defined directly in the outer namespace; it was
        % announced that this problem will be fixed in protobuf-2.5

        .name protobuf-prefix
        .type string

% definitions and extensions related to how data is represented on the wire

.enum [
    .name protobuf-wire-type

    .option [ varint ]
    .option [ zigzag-varint ]
    .option [ fixed32 ]
    .option [ fixed64 ]
    .option [ signed-varint ]
    .option [ signed-fixed32 ]
    .option [ signed-fixed64 ]
    .option [ block ]

.extend [
    .typedef alias

    .with.field [
        .type protobuf-wire-type

.extend [
    (.typedef field option)

    .with.field [
        % for fields and variant options: unique integer field id
        % from (1 -- (2^29-1)) range used for identifying individual fields and
        % options encoded in wire format
        % for enum options: non-unique integer constant from a full int32 range

        .name code
        .type int32

.extend [
    (.typedef field list)

    % indication that Protobuf "packed" format is used for repeated fields or
    % list elements
    .with.field [
        .name protobuf-packed

include piqi

type protobuf-int32 = int32()

type protobuf-int64 = int64()

type protobuf-wire-type =
    | varint
    | zigzag-varint
    | fixed32
    | fixed64
    | signed-varint
    | signed-fixed32
    | signed-fixed64
    | block

extend record field variant option enum alias list
    ? protobuf-name :: string()

extend piqi record variant list enum
    * protobuf-custom :: string()

extend piqi
    ? protobuf-package :: string()

extend alias
    ? protobuf-type :: string()

extend enum
    ? protobuf-prefix :: string()

extend alias
    ? protobuf-wire-type()

extend field option
    ? code :: int32()

extend field list
    ? protobuf-packed

% Piqi extensions for getopt
% This file defines extensions to the base Piqi self-specification for
% command-line arguement parsing.
% Copyright 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 Anton Lavrik

.include [ .module piqi ]

% a single-letter getopt option or flag
.extend [
    (.typedef field option)

    .with.field [
        .name getopt-letter
        .type word

    .with.field [
        .name getopt-doc
        .type string

include piqi

extend field option
    ? getopt-letter :: word()
    ? getopt-doc :: string()


The Piqi language

% Piqi language specification
% This file contains specificaiton for the Piqi language which is an extension
% of Piqi-spec (piqi.piqi).
% Basically, Piqi-lang = Piqi-spec + includes, extensions and typedefs embeeded
% in function parameters.
% Copyright 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 Anton Lavrik

.include [ .module piqi ]

% The Piqi language, in addition to the Piqi-spec, has includes and extensions
.extend [
    .typedef piqi

    .with.field [ .type include .repeated ]
    .with.field [ .type extend .repeated ]

.record [
    .name include

    .field [
        .name module
        .type word

.extend [
    (.field function.input function.output function.error)

    .with.type function-param

.extend [
    (.field record.name variant.name enum.name list.name alias.name)

    .with (.mode.optional)

.variant [
    .name function-param
    .option [ .type name ]
    .option [
        .type record
    .option [
        .type variant
    .option [
        .type enum
    .option [
        .type list
    .option [
        % note: although anonymous alias doesn't make a lot of sense, we need it
        % for completeness; there's only one use case: when somebody wants to
        % define additional properties inside such alias (e.g. piq-format)
        .type alias

.record [
    .name extend

    .field [
        .name what
        .type extend-target
        .repeated % several typedefs can be specified as an extension

    .field [
        % whether specified extensions override existing elements

        .name override

    .field [
        .name with
        .type piqi-any % an actual extension object

    .field [
        % this way of specifying extensions will be deprecated soon

        .type piqi-any % an actual extension object

.variant [
    .name extend-target

    .option [ .name typedef .type name ]
    .option [
        % previous name for "typedef"; kept for backwards compatibility; will be
        % fully deprecated in future Piqi versions; NOTE: typedef takes
        % precedence over it

        .type name
    .option [ .name field .type name ]
    .option [ .name option .type name ]
    .option [ .name import .type name ]
    .option [ .name function .type name ]

% renamed and deprecated Protobuf fields

.extend [
    (.typedef piqi record variant list enum)

    .with.field [
        % same as protobuf-custom in Piqi-0.5.*

        .name proto-custom
        .type string

.extend [
    (.typedef record field variant option enum alias list)

    .with.field [
        % same as protobuf-name in Piqi-0.5.*

        .name proto-name
        .type string

.extend [
    .typedef piqi

    .with.field [
        % same as protobuf-package in Piqi-0.5.*

        .name proto-package
        .type string

.extend [
    (.typedef field list)

    .with.field [
        % same as protobuf-packed in Piqi-0.5.*

        .name wire-packed

include piqi

type include =
    - module :: word()

type function-param =
    | name()
    | record()
    | variant()
    | enum()
    | list()
    | alias()

type extend =
    * what :: extend-target()
    ? override
    * with :: piqi-any()
    * piqi-any()

type extend-target =
    | typedef :: name()
    | name()
    | field :: name()
    | option :: name()
    | import :: name()
    | function :: name()

extend piqi
    * include()
    * extend()

extend piqi record variant list enum
    * proto-custom :: string()

extend record field variant option enum alias list
    ? proto-name :: string()

extend piqi
    ? proto-package :: string()

extend field list
    ? wire-packed